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The Birdskin Shoes
Joan Taylor-Rowan writes with great freshness and assurance...
I LOVED this book and it deserves every possible success.
Katie Hickman, Author of The Pindar Diamond and The Aviary Gate
Five by Five
The collection as a whole has tendency towards fantasy and magical realism,... historical stories alongside Joan Taylor Rowan's (London Lies, Lover's Lies, Stations) acid humour and modern desperation.
"Joan Taylor- Rowan’s ‘Bitter Sweet Like pomegranates’ is one of the finest short stories.
Amazon review
This Isn't Who I Am? published in Writers Forum magazine Jan 2022
I’ve just read your story in WF. So powerful. As a hardened reader of all things, it takes a lot to hit me in the solar plexus, but this story did it!
Your story is one of the few that will stay with me for a long time.
P. Hibbert
Book no.1
Book no.2
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